Merry Christmas

Before I start Merry Christmas. I bet there are many people reading this are looking forward to 2021 and the end of the coronavirus. Like many this year, I lost my Father, sent home from the hospital as the beds filled with COVID patients. Workwise it has not been a great year either. A contract ended prematurely in February. I was on the brink of landing a new contract when

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November 2020

It’s Groundhog month again. We’re going around in circles with no idea where we are going. So much has changed this year for us and it will be a long time before things get any better. The coronavirus still plagues us, the government cannot win whatever it does, people are not listening, and in the meantime, the government runs out of money keeping the country afloat. As for me I

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September 2020

We appear to be discovering a new normal. As COVID continues to be a talking point in our lives. What comes next? A second wave or do we find the virus burns itself out. On my way home the cab driver had his own take on the pandemic and he certainly made some interesting points. He was glad to hear I wasn’t a scientist. But more than onterested when I

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What’s happened in August

I am in no doubt many of us are looking forward to the resumption of some normality after a 5-month lockdown this August 2020. However, with rules relaxed, people have not adhered to the rules and infection rates have begun to climb once again. I hope for their sakes they don’t get COVID as I am in no doubt you will suffer badly. Back in February, I had a minor

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Confessions, lies and family ties

When prolific thief Wayne Schofield finds himself trapped in a cupboard while robbing homeowner Fiona Mills, he hears a man and woman arguing followed by a gunshot. Three days later he’s arrested and charged with the murder of Fiona Mills. In court, a jury convicts him of murder. Ten years later, Wayne walks free after an appeal judge quashes his sentence. Determined to change his life, and prove his innocence

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The Surname Clark

English: occupational name for a scribe or secretary, originally a member of a minor religious order who undertook such duties. The word clerc denoted a member of a religious order, from Old English cler(e)c ‘priest’, reinforced by Old French clerc. Both are from Late Latin clericus, from Greek klerikos, a derivative of kleros ‘inheritance’, ‘legacy’, with reference to the priestly tribe of Levites (see Levy) ‘whose inheritance was the Lord’.

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Hello world!

Welcome to M. H. Clark. My apologies to the readers but due to unexpected problems with the web site, this is the third iteration with two months. I will need to get to grips with how this site is backed up and should the site need to be taken down again I can do so without rebuilding the site. Believe me, it is a tedious task rebuilding what you have

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